A Lost Soul

Out here how long will I last?

A Hard World in which I live,

Haunted by the demons of my past,

The good times have died with…

The last prophets, whose lives went by so fast,

The good times have come to pass,

I would like them times back,

But I’m too afraid to ask,

Maybe I should put on my mask,

Which exposes another side of me,

Say hello to the Poet, he’s here to ride with me,

One year I suffered as my heart died,

My Soul was empty as there was nothing inside,

I express my emotions as they are too wild to hide,

The pain and emptiness has scarred my pride,

I misplaced my Soul, feeling only pain inside so my eyes cried,

My confidence was dented by the bullet of society,

Which hit my heart and stole my Soul as the World lied to me,

My Soul didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to me,

My Soul is lost, somewhere it floats around clueless,

Those ruthless reptiles raped my emotions,

How could they do this to me?

My misery is my only friend left , without it I’d be lonely,

I searched far and wide for my Soul, but it was too hard to find,

Hopefully I will find it one day and see a change in time,

Without my Soul, I am empty and cold,

Sad and lonely, with no one to hold,

My eyes tear up again as the story unfolds,

The story has been told,

There’s no happy ending, I’m withered and old,

As the search goes on for my Lost Soul.

Written by: Perspicacious Outcast (John Paul Harrington)

Originally Written: Sometime in 2009.

Image found on google.

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