A Lost Soul

Out here how long will I last? A Hard World in which I live, Haunted by the demons of my past, The good times have died with… The last prophets, whose lives went by so fast, The good times have come to pass, I would like them times back, But I’m too afraid to ask, […]

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Going Somewhere, Going Nowhere.

I’m on my way to work. A cyclist on a bicycle cycles past me, I think to myself; “He’s going somewhere”. Motorists drive past me, some drive fancy cars, others drive in less desirable cars, regardless I believe they are all driving somewhere. The train travelling on the tracks over the bridge I walk under […]

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Absent Minded

Take a look inside empty hearts, Where remorse and compassion cannot be found, The darkness of a corrupted soul, Searching for some non-existent light, Eternally shackled and Hellbound, Feeling cold inside, With freezing blood pumping through icy veins, No longer Human, Losing touch with society, uncontrollably insane, With the razor blade firmly in hand, Slowly […]

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